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For My Daughters

See How Easy It Is To Make A Header? Watch This!

Angela 10, Erika 7

Angela 10, Erika 7
My Adorable Granddaughters!


21 Months Old

This Is The Coolest Program I'm Involved In! Check It Out Now...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hi There Girlie-Girlies!

Hi Girls,

I'm writing this post to my girls especially because of this new program I've signed up for- The EyeEarn Program! This is a program you can join for free and promote both online and offline. When you join the free program, you can (but are not obligated to) order a kit for $20 + sh & handling = about $27.20 and you get an EyeEarn T-shirt, a bumper sticker, window magnets for your car (they're EyeEarn banners for advertising) and more marketing goodies (click on the EyeEarn banner for specifics). I've ordered mine but haven't received it yet.

The reason I'm convinced you'll be interested is because EyeEarn is a program where your main goal is to get people to shop online through this huge online mall that has hundreds of stores, such as WalMart, Target, Petco, PetSmart, and more. The reason you want to do this is because this membership gives you rights to a share in the profits gained from people shopping OUR mall for the same prices they'd pay ordering anywhere else throughout the Web!

The only difference is they enter the mall through one of the thousands of members like me or you guys if you join! Please at least look at it; if you need help or have questions, just ask me and I'll do my best to answer it!

Okay girls, your mom really, really is hoping someone - anyone will join with me so we can kick butt together on something fun, like this! I know you're concerned I'm going to get ripped off or something, but how can you get ripped off if you don't spend any money?

Please consider joining me in this venture-- but if you are leary, I understand and I'll leave you be about it until I have a check or proof of some earnings to share with you. Sound Good?

Aaron's Gas Saving Program is another one I intend on doing; it's totally the best time ever for that product! But this subject will be found in yet another blog!!

So when you girls get a moment, please click for your mommy and at least tell me what you thought, okay?

I love you all immensely!

Yo Momma
Carol McCrow

A Note For Each Of You.....

Hi Girls,

I wanted to write each of you a message from me because I've been thinking so much about all three of you. Well, Here Goes:

Hi Kim,

I'm so sorry you're having to go through all this crap with Nick trying to keep Calob. I really did try convincing myself when I'd ask what did I do to deserve having you taken away, my answer to myself was I'd never know why for sure, but that if I went through it I figured none of you would have to deal with something like this because of my own experiences. I guess I figured somewhere down the line if it happened to any of you, I'd be that much smarter about how NOT to ever allow anyone to steal your kid! But of course it wasn't that simple.

I know things will work out real quick here, and Nick will be totally put in his place by the court system. They will dictate what he cannot do, making it a law for him.

I love you Kim! Hang in there, you'll have him back soon and it'll be over.


Hi Azia,

Are you feeling any better? It must be the season cuz I sure the hell don't feel good either! I'd see Dr. Sanders to get a referral to Dr. Ronald Greene, Pulmonary Dept., Everett Clinic. He's the sleep disorder doc I've seen for the past several years, and he's very easy to talk to and he also makes sure you understand what he's trying to tell you, and he doesn't rush you. He's nice looking too. I love you Azia!


Hi Amber,

I know you've got to be feeling very lopsided and inflated, because pretty much you are. You're already pretty big, so you'll probably get bigger! Just hang in there, sweetie. Pregnancy is very uncomfortable especially in the last three months! Hang in there and you'll have a gorgeous little Tyler Turtle instead of a watermelon in your gut. Smile, cuz life is about to get much better! I love you!



Okay, I guess I should go to bed now that it's almost 4 am! Good night girls, and sweet dreams! Give Dave, Woody, and Aaron my love.

Love you forever,


Thursday, May 22, 2008

What Do You See?

I took this picture one night trying to catch the moon, but the moon is nowhere in sight. If you look at for a few minutes and study it, what do you see, if anything? A bit fascinating, don't you agree?
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

For My Daughters!

Hi Kim!
Hi Azia!
Hi Amber!

What do you think of my flash header?

Of course I'm joking! (About the fart part) Oh what a start!

I made this blog to try to get all three of you to join my venture! Only in the writing blogs part, not the other stuff I'm doing, unless of course you want to but let me start making money first! Then I'll bug the hell out of you!

I love you girls, each and every one of you!

Until Later,


Mom, Of Course!

Mom, Of Course!
Moms Should Be Watching At All Times

I Adore This Picture...

I Adore This Picture...
He's Busy Seriously Studying

Jazzy, Amber's Best Canine Friend

Jazzy, Amber's Best Canine Friend
Cleaning Her Paws, I Think?

Amber In Her Walker & Jergens Lotion

Amber In Her Walker & Jergens Lotion
Doing Her Commercial.....

Odie, Innocently Sleeping On The Counter

Odie, Innocently Sleeping On The Counter
With His Leg In Sink With Dirty Dishes

About Me

My photo
My name is Carol McCrow and I live in the Pacific Northwest. I work at home both as caregiver to my live-in mom and as an independent affiliate and advertiser online. I enjoy meeting others online that are doing similar work. I have much to accomplish yet and am working hard to keep focused and stay on a positive road toward success. I also have an overwhelming compassion for animals- especially the ones we domesticate and teach to rely on us. It means EVERYTHING to me that our pets get the quality care they deserve and need.